Accelerated Lattice Thermal Conductivity Calculations using Machine Learning Force Fields


In this tutorial, we will use Phoebe to compute the lattice thermal conductivity of silicon carbide (SiC) with a machine learning force field from FLARE.

This tutorial is based on the thermal conductivity calculation of SiC in this paper.


Support of phono3py is only available if Phoebe is built using hdf5. It’s needed for this tutorial.

We will use

  • Python (+ LAMMPS) to train a machine learning force field

  • Phono3py to generate super cells with different displacements

  • LAMMPS to compute forces for those super cells

  • Phono3py to compute the force constants

  • Phoebe to compute the lattice thermal conductivity.

Step 0: Train a Machine Learning Force Field

Machine learning force field (MLFF) builds a model to predict energy/forces/stress from atomic coordinates, using machine learning algorithms. The model is usually trained from DFT data, and can reach first-principles accuracy while keep the linear scaling with system size in the computational cost. Therefore, the MLFF usually reaches 3-6 orders of magnitude speedup compared to DFT in production.

After a MLFF is trained, we can use it for large-scale molecular dynamics, and phonon transport calculations, where the latter is the subject of this tutorial.

Before any phonon transport calculations, we need to train a MLFF from the first-principles data. The MLFF model we use is FLARE, a Gaussian process regression model with many-body descriptors. The training can be efficiently done through Bayesian active learning, and we direct the users to the FLARE tutorial to generate a force field before continuing.

For the phonon transport calculations, you need to prepare

  • A LAMMPS executable for force calculation compiled with FLARE-LAMMPS code (in this tutorial the executable is named lmp_mpi)

  • A coefficient file generated by FLARE for LAMMPS (in this tutorial the file is named lmp.flare).

Detailed explanation can be found in the tutorial linked above.

Step 1: Phono3py Installation

See Step 1: Phono3py Installation. Additionally, we recommend you use the unit cell that phonopy selects as the primitive cell. See a note on this in Step 2: Calculation of Force Constants.

Step 2: Relax the Atomic Structure

As introduced in Step 0, suppose we have trained a good MLFF of SiC, compiled LAMMPS executable (lmp_mpi) with FLARE-LAMMPS code, and obtained a coefficient file (lmp.flare) for FLARE SiC force field. Before computing force constants, we need to relax the unit cell with our MLFF. The relaxation is done by LAMMPS, with the Python interface provided by ASE.

We first set up the ASE calculator of LAMMPS, where the LAMMPS input/output files will be saved in the tmp folder, and each LAMMPS calculation will run a relaxation of the cell and atomic positions. We run the relaxation repeat=5 times to make sure the structure is relaxed sufficiently.

import numpy as np
from import read, write
import os, glob, shutil, sys
from copy import deepcopy
from ase.calculators.lammpsrun import LAMMPS

def relax(struc, pot_file, lmp_command, specorder, repeat=5):
    Relax cell and positions with LAMMPS
    # create ASE calculator for LAMMPS
    calc = LAMMPS(
        command=lmp_command,                        # point to lammps executable
        pair_style="flare",                         # lammps command of using flare force field
        pair_coeff=[f"* * {pot_file}"],             # lammps command of using flare coefficients
        minimize="1.0e-4 1.0e-6 100 1000",          # lammps command of relaxing atomic positions
        fix=["1 all box/relax iso 0.0 vmax 0.001"], # lammps command of relaxing cell

    # run relaxation multiple times
    for i in range(repeat):
        atoms = deepcopy(struc)
        atoms.calc = deepcopy(calc)

        trj_files = glob.glob("tmp/trj*")
        assert len(trj_files) == 1
        struc = read(trj_files[0], specorder=specorder, format="lammps-dump-binary")

    return struc

We can start with a DFT relaxed unit cell structure or one downloaded from a site like the Materials Project. We then relax the structure with the ASE LAMMPS calculator and save the relaxed structure to file (POSCAR-unitcell).

# Read an atomic structure of unit cell from file (can be a DFT structure or downloaded from online)
dft_struc = read(f"POSCAR", format="vasp")

# Relax the structure using LAMMPS and FLARE force field
struc = relax(
    specorder=["Si", "C"],

# Write the relaxed unit cell into a file named "POSCAR-unitcell"
write("POSCAR-unitcell", struc, format="vasp")

Step 3: Construct Force Constant Matrices

After obtaining a relaxed unit cell, we use the Python interface of phonopy and phono3py to compute force constants. As in the Step 2, we first define an ASE LAMMPS calculator for force calculation in later usage.

import numpy as np
from ase import Atoms
from ase.calculators.lammpsrun import LAMMPS

def get_lmp_calc(pot_file, specorder, lmp_command):
    # create ASE calc for LAMMPS
    calc = LAMMPS(
        pair_coeff=[f"* * {pot_file}"],
    return calc

Then we use phono3py Python API to make supercells and generate displacements. Here we use different supercell sizes for 2nd order force constants (6x6x2) and 3rd order force constants (3x3x3). And for 3rd order force constants, we use a cutoff pair distance 2.5A.

from phonopy.interface.calculator import read_crystal_structure
from phono3py import Phono3py
from phono3py.file_IO import write_fc2_to_hdf5, write_fc3_to_hdf5
from tqdm import tqdm

# generate displacements
unitcell, _ = read_crystal_structure("POSCAR-unitcell", interface_mode='vasp')
ph3 = Phono3py(
    supercell_matrix=[3, 3, 3],
    phonon_supercell_matrix=[6, 6, 2],
print("Generated displacements")

Next, we use ASE LAMMPS calculator to compute forces of the displaced supercells of 2nd order force constants. We put all forces into an array of shape (n_displacements, n_atoms, 3) and feed to phono3py.

pot_file = "lmp.flare"
specorder = ["Si", "C"]
lmp_command = "./lmp_mpi"

# get forces for FC2
print("Computing forces for FC2")
forces = []
for sc in tqdm(ph3.phonon_supercells_with_displacements):
    atoms = Atoms(sc.symbols, cell=sc.cell, positions=sc.positions, pbc=True)
    atoms.calc = get_lmp_calc(pot_file, specorder, lmp_command)
    f = atoms.get_forces()

# compute 2nd order force constants
ph3.phonon_forces = np.array(forces)

Then phono3py computes the 2nd order force constants and write to a file fc2.hdf5.

print("Computing FC2")

In the same way, the 3rd order force constants can be generated and written into fc3.hdf5.

# get forces for FC3
print("Computing forces for FC3")
forces = []
nat = len(ph3.supercells_with_displacements[0])
for sc in tqdm(ph3.supercells_with_displacements):
    if sc is not None:
        atoms = Atoms(sc.symbols, cell=sc.cell, positions=sc.positions, pbc=True)
        atoms.calc = get_lmp_calc(pot_file, specorder, lmp_command)
        f = atoms.get_forces()
        f = np.zeros((nat, 3))

# compute 3rd order force constants
ph3.forces = np.array(forces)

print("Computing FC3")

The files fc2.hdf5 and fc3.hdf5 will be used by Phoebe.

If you want to check the phonon calculation, you can find instructions in either the Basic Band Structure and DoS or Calculation of Harmonic-Only Phonopy Dispersion tutorials.

Step 4: Calculate Lattice Thermal Conductivity

If this dispersion looks good, we are now ready to move on to phonon transport calculations using Phoebe. See Step 4: Calculate Lattice Thermal Conductivity of the Phonon Transport Tutorial for instructions on how to use these files to generate lattice thermal conductivity.